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as a friend of Dillon’s i have come to realize the intensity of his death with each passing day. i miss him dearly, and i wanted to find a way to commemorate his death. at pali, there is a current competition going on called the PTSA National Reflections program, as some people may be familiar with. i wanted to make a memorial for his death, so i am creating a visual arts memorial and entering it into the contest. depending on the results of the competition, if i was to win one of the prize money awards, i want to donate it to one of the foundations that Dillon was a part of. i wanted to mainly ask for permission to use some of the writings, artwork, and other things posted by Dillon, or for Dillon by other people. Rest in Peace Buddy. Admin reply: Hi Julia What a beautiful idea….if I can help in any way just let us know….we give you permission to use our materials from the web site..and there are tons of photos on facebook as well….if you want any other materials you need lett us know how we can support you in your tribute. Harriet (Dillon’s Mom)

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