Today is a very difficult one for all of us. While Dillon is always in our thoughts and hearts, today puts his memory directly in the front of our minds. However when I think of my nephew I see his uniquely bright smile and wonderful flowing hair and cannot help but smile myself. That is the vision I see as I think of him today and always. I miss him more than words can express and the hole in my heart will always be there, but I try and think of all that was good in him and focus on that and not the pain that endures. I am thrilled that my son Jon will be out with Harriet, Steve and Taylor this evening to be with them . On belhalf of us all on the East Cioast he will give them a huge hug which often says nore than any words. To all who read this, think of and remmember Dillon and his great smile and heart always: not just on days like today when the sensation is hightened by what has passed but as you go forward and make the future a better place for Dillon and you being a part of the wordls. 1-4-3 always and a day Uncle Alan