
User Submitted Post

I met Dillon when we were in 7th grade. He was impossible to not love and want to be around, with his wonderful sense of humor, joy for life and extremely outgoing persona. I remember many things from wayy back when but, many of my favorites occured in our old spot Zen Zoo/ The BW Country Mart and at his house where there always seemed to be a party. One in particular is when I tried to play matchmaker between Dillon and another friend of ours, who he was really interested in. Dillon was so nervous, and kept asking questions, but I knew she’d fall for that gentle soul….they dated and it was adorable! I find myself writing this mainly because I was unable to say goodbye to you. Although we had lost contact, I still always held onto all the goodtimes we had and kept you in mind. It was a wake up call to lose an old friend. It made me realize how important friendship is to maintain, because nothing’s promised and all we have is today. I valued you more than that and wish I would’ve had that lost time back. It’s an unfortunate lesson I had to learn the cruelest way, I share Dillon’s passion for charity work and felt overcome with emotion when I came across this site. For years I have felt discouraged by the lack of service and aid given by my peers, but through Dillon I have seen a deeper level of

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