i cant tell you how many times i have been to this page and become frozen by this comment section. where do i even begin. its 1:00 am in ohio and i cant sleep. i cant believe that it will be a year anniversary this week. It doesnt feel like it. how can it be, when it is still so incredibly painful. This week is going to be awful and my thoughts are with your family. I just wanted to thank you so much for letting me come visit you whenever i made the trip out to california. Visiting you last summer was the most important and comforting thing i did during my time out in california. To be accepted and consoled by the people who dillon loved the most and the people who loved dillon unconditionally has given me a long-lasting sense of comfort. There have been so many times that I have been crying and extremely upset and all i want to do is sit around your kitchen table with emily sufrin and you (harriett) and just embrace each other and tell dillon stories. you understand the loss. you understand my love for him. I miss him terribly. I cannot wait to see you again this summer when i come out in the beginning of august. i hope you are doing ok. Dillon would have never wanted to cause his family grief. I think he talked about you (harriet) to me as much as he talked about one