Dear Dillion, From the age of six, your mother and I shared many dreams. Graduating high school,attending college, working in the field we were trained for, getting married and starting our own family. Your mom married your dad and your were born. I was soon to follow with my own family. You were just the most amazing miracle I had ever seen. How proud I was to hold you in my arms tears streaming down my face with love in my heart. Those big bright eyes straing right into my sole, I knew you were a very special little human being who had come to your mom and dad for a reason. As you grew older those reason became clearer with each day. You are such a good brother and a kind and loving friend to anyone who came into your path. Your love and devotion to your mom and dad was unconditional. You are Dillion the force that connects the rope that binds us all together. I never knew who you really were untill I started to read your stories and poems. You have touched me again the way you did as a baby when I held you in my arms. What a sole you possessed. I am honored to have known you and loved you. Rest in peace, Alice