My heart aches every day for Dillon. ‘Dad’ became my favorite word. It is a different and special feeling everytime your son or daughter says, “Dad”. Words of wisdom are just not there from me, and if they were, I would gladly share them with everyone. Words of wisdom do come from Dillon and I was surprised to find out how many writings he had created. My favorite is from his freshman year. It was an essay about creating individuals and a few of the words read, “It is never too late to start. Read this, pass it on, pay it forward, and create true individuals………………..and maybe it all comes down to you”. Dillon knew that everyone, all of his friends and everyone he wanted to be friends with, were capable of being a ‘pay it forward’ person. And everyone that attended one of his parties or knew him, knew he wanted to friends with the world. I will try to write more often because it is so good to hear from all of is friends. Thank you all sincerely for sharing your thoughts with us. Dillon’s Dad