Dear Dillon’s mom, This morning the article about your son by Dennis Danziger was left on my desk with a post it saying “This could be called Missing Nick” attached. Indeed the article could have been written about my 15 year old son Nick Libutti who was killed in a car crash two weeks before(June 23) your son on the 395 highway on his way home from a mission trip with his church. Nick’s girlfriend, and two others were also killed in the crash. Like it was for your son over 1,000 people attended Nick’s services the following week and we were overwhelmed by the countless letters we received from Nick’s teachers and friends that said much of what Mr. Danziger had to say about your son. After reading the article this morning I googled your son for more information and found myself once again asking the “why” question. I read your Halloween entry and want you to know that I understand the pain you felt today. Like you I remember all of Nick’s Halloweens and dread the upcoming holidays. I have many new friends as a result of Nick’s death and hope that I will be able to provide some comfort to several of them in the upcoming week as they remember their children’s births and deaths. I wonder about you, do you have many new friends too?what do you do for comfort,?how is your family doing,?and will you be ok? I guess that’s it for now….you certainly can