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I knew from the day I met Dillon, my life would be changed forever. He stepped in when we really needed someone to perform The Larime Project. Dillon instantly became our friends, embodied his character, and changed us all deeply. I trusted him with everything. When it got cold during rehearsals, his soccer jacket would always be there to keep me warm. He was so selfless and such a beautiful person. Dillon was always there to listen to me, to talk about life, to go crazy with. I watched Dillon’s “adopted” brother win monologue the other week at festival and his serious monologue was from Larime. I completely lost it. The one thing i wanted was for Dillon to suddenly appear and say “its going to be okay”. Just as he always did. At school, i always see someone that from glance, looks exactly like Dillon and it’s so hard to wake up from reality and realize maybe it’s not just some prank after all. Dillon changed our lives. He made us better people. Not a day goes by where we don’t think about him. I am still trying to get a hold of someone who has our performance of The Larime Project on tape and as soon as I do I will send it to you… Harriett and Steve, if you need ANYTHING, please let me know. You have my email. All my love.

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